
If you’re looking for a unique Christmas gift for the fragrance fan in your life? Can we suggest Petalwell!

We love Petalwell’s portable essential oil diffuser which is designed to release the therapeutic benefits of pure essential oils in the home, the office or on the go. Similar in size to a smartphone, it packs easily into a handbag and is fully rechargeable. The clever design means there’s nothing to leak or spill, and it shuts off automatically at the end of each session.

Petalwell has also created six unique essential oil blends to complement the diffuser, each one specifically tailored to influence mood and enhance wellbeing. These include Petalwell Live for vitality, Petalwell Love for romance, Petalwell Sleep for restful sleep, Travelwell for calm, Relaxwell for comfort and Breathewell to invigorate.

The Petalwell range is available to buy online at and in selected spas and boutiques.

Stay in touch with Petalwell on Facebook or Twitter.